7 Quick Takes Friday – Volume 4


I just finished Bossypants by Tina Fey and it cracked me up.  She is extremely funny (not shocking), but also obviously very thoughtful and a great writer (also, by the way, totally fine with f-bombs.  Just thought you should know before running out and reading it to your five year old or something).   It is written as a series of connected essays, and I found myself reading several of them out loud to my husband or sending them to my mom and sister.   A fun, quick read.


I understand the Kindle opposition; I too LOVE the smell and feel of books, but I was over the moon yesterday when I discovered my dear Anne Shirley Blythe can be gotten for free for the Kindle.  Now she goes with me everywhere.  I love her.


 My newest home idea is to paint my kitchen thusly:

I kind of have a wild hair that I want to do it this weekend.  Which, check back with me on Monday because we will see.


I just read Pioneer Woman’s official confirmation that she’ll have her own show on the Food Network soon.  Wow!  See how blogging can pay off?  Two book deals, a potential movie deal, and your own tv show.  Way to be awesome, Ree!  I am sure I can anticipate the same for myself in the near future.


Today I found a recipe for cinnamon rolls that doesn’t require proofing or rising?  What?!?  I am going to try immediately.  Also, on the exactly opposite end of the spectrum, chocolate cookies with yeast.  My whole world is flipped, turned upside down.


Is the song in your head now?  One of my favorite bizarro phenomena of the modern era is that anyone of my generation (early-mid 80s babies) can sing every lyric of that song with almost no prompting at all.  It’s universal (alright, United-Statesian).


Gratuitous baby cute:

Who said I wanted to wear a bunny hat anyway?

This was taken the day she started getting roseola.  We thought she was just grumpy but she was on her way to sicky.  She’s all better now, though!

Thanks to Jen at Conversion Diary for hosting Quick Takes!

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13 Responses to “7 Quick Takes Friday – Volume 4”

  1. popping over from conversion diary … wow, what a cute photo! i don’t have a kindle, but my son does. do you think he’ll let me download anne of green gables? hmmmm.

  2. …just a public service announcement- the first Anne movie is GREAT- the second is VERY GOOD even though it skips parts and mixes other events up, the third is AAAAAARRRRGGGHHH DO NOT WATCH IT!!! I didn’t see it, but my sister was in tears, it was so bad.

    • Thank you for the warning! I actually have never watched any of them, despite my total and utter love of the books. Is that weird? I should do it just for the experience.

  3. I love vintage style kitchens, you should totally remodel your kitchen that way! I’m also intrigued by those recipes, may have to try them myself.

    I love baby pictures!

  4. Hurray for free L. M. Montgomery!

    That is a beautiful kitchen! And I had no idea about the Pioneer Woman. We don’t have a tv but we binge on food tv when we vacation someplace with cable! I’ll have to watch her on our next trip to the beach!

    • Yay Anne!

      We are considering dumping cable altogether, but I would be so sad without the Food Network and HGTV. Everything else I could easily take or leave.

  5. I was born in the late seventies, and I got the Fresh Prince reference. Love it! I also love the bunny hat. I just made a bear hat for my new nephew (to be born next month), and I have pet rabbits. I will have to figure out how to make the bunny ears. Soooo cute!

    • If I knew I’d gladly share, but I have yet to finish a knitting project that I’ve started. I have a half done baby blanket from when I was pregnant that I’m really planning on finishing one of these days (maybe by number 2??).

      I will gladly extend the boundaries of the Fresh Prince era to the late 70’s!

  6. May I hold her PLEASE!! such a sweetie pie, grumpies and all….

  7. We have the first Anne movie if you want to borrow or watch it with us!


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